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30th August 2024

World CLL Day 1st September 2024

We celebrate World CLL Day, a significant day for everyone affected by CLL.

This year we have been marking our 20th anniversary with a range of “20” themed events and our celebrations will be closed out at our London Conference on Tuesday 24th Sept. The response from our members, friends and families has been truly amazing and has spanned a vast spectrum of activities – exercise based, creative, collective and even the odd indulgent event thrown in! We have exceeded our fundraising target of £20,000 and we are so grateful for your efforts and the energy you brought to the task. 

CLL Support has always been a “By the people, For the people” organisation and the theme of our London conference; “Celebrating the Power of Community” underpins this.  To mark World CLL day on the 1st Sept we are re-releasing our 20th Anniversary launch video as it clearly demonstrates that people are at the heart of all we do. At CLL Support we will strive to serve the needs of the CLL community for many more years.