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20th Anniversary

It’s our 20th Anniversary of helping people with CLL and SLL!!

Welcome! We are very excited about what we have planned throughout the year, and we would love you to help us by joining in the celebrations in any way you can.

Latest News

David Warner has completed his amazing record walk from John O’Groats to Land’s End!

Have a look at our Anniversary Animation:

Watch our launch video here:

20th Anniversary News

Welsh Springer Saith finishes 20th competition!

Saith and owner Debbie finish their Challenge 20 target. Click on the title for more details.


World CLL Day 1st September 2024

We celebrate World CLL Day, a significant day for everyone affected by CLL.


Challenge 20

To help celebrate our 20th year, we’re inviting everyone to attempt something with the theme ’20’. Click on title for more details.


Epic Cycle Ride

John’s amazing ride has finished! He’s completed the Land’s End to John O’Groats challenge. Click on the title for more details of this epic journey in support of CLL Support.


Guinness Book of Records attempt

David Warner has completed his amazing record walk from John O’Groats to Land’s End! For full details, click on the title.


Join us on a walk around Grafham Water

Walk with us around the lovely Grafham Water on Sunday 23rd June. Click on title for more details.


A Conference and Reception

We are very pleased to announce that the conference will be on 24th September 2024 in London. Click on the title for more details.


More details of these and lots of other events will be published in the coming weeks so keep an eye on this page for updates.

We’re aiming to raise £20,000 to enable us to help more people with CLL and their families and supporters. If you can, please contribute here. However, the important thing is we’d like to invite you to take part. Look out for the Logo and get involved!

Thank you!

We’ll be letting you know how we’re getting on towards our target throughout the year