Please see our instructional videos below for guidance and information on Leukaemia.
Sue gives her story of life with CLL. Sue took the initiative to change her consultants to a CLL specialist, having had a poor initial experience of care at her local clinic.
Pauline talks about her poor experience when diagnosed and her change of Consultant. Encourages all to keep copies of their blood tests etc and write down questions ahead of your appointments. Closed with encouragement to enjoy life as much as you can.
Introduces her role as a Clinical Nurse Specialist supporting patients and family members in the clinic.
Professor Anna Schuh is the Director of Molecular Diagnostics in the Department of Oncology and an honorary Consultant Haematologist at Oxford University Hospitals Trust. Dr Schuh is Chair of the UK CLL Forum.
Brian introduces CLLSA on Heathunlocked and other useful sources of reliable information. Informed individuals live longer.