Please see our instructional videos below for guidance and information on Leukaemia.
Stewart Edwards a Birmingham based CLL patient shared his personal and moving CLL Journey from diagnosis, through treatment and the impact on his life.
Helen Parry is a Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham and University Hospital NHS Foundation. Her interest is in the immune response to Cytomegalovirus in CLL patients and T cell dysfunction in this disease.
Professor Tatjana Stankovic discusses the emergence of the cell mutations, typical disease profiles in patients, approaches over the decades to CLL management and the typical approaches to killing CLL.
The keynote speaker at this Conference was Professor Paul Moss who is Head of the School of Cancer Sciences at Birmingham and an honourary consultant in haematology. His primary interest is the study of the immune system and human health.
The keynote speaker at this Conference was Professor Paul Moss who is Head of the School of Cancer Sciences at Birmingham and an honourary consultant in haematology. His primary interest is the study of the immune system and human health. His presentation focused on the latest developments in CLL Therapy.