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23rd July 2020

CLL Support Webinar – 16 July

On the 16 July we held our second webinar and were pleased to welcome Dr Ben Kennedy, Prof Andrew Pollard and one of our members, Rory Williams with his wife, Celia.

Dr Ben Kennedy, who is Consultant in Haematology at Leicester Royal Infirmary, gave an entertaining and informative talk including observations on Covid-19 in relation to CLL patients and their treatment before going on to answer questions.

Professor Pollard is the government’s Chief Adviser on vaccines and is Chief Investigator on the Oxford Covid-19 vaccine trials and answered questions on the development of the new vaccine and its important implications for CLL patients.

Rory Williams, with his wife, Celia, gave a moving as well as humorous account of his experience after contracting and recovering from contracting Covid-19.